
For those who are international students or interested in reading English, we provide translated version about school policy of WINGS 21.3.

The Forgotten Express Stations

Have you ever noticed the two blue machines beside the entrance of Barn B when passing by? These two are Express Stations, though you may seldom notice them. A consensus about their efficiency may still not exist, but it is undeniable that their usage rate has been low for a long time. Here some suggestions to improve Express Stations would be provided.

Card readers are set up at Express Stations so that fellow students can manage their HKUST Cards besides surfing on the Net and receiving and sending emails. There are in total twenty-eight Express Stations. One can say they are ubiquitous. Eight of them are on Academic Concourse that you can find any once you pay more attention, but their usage rate is so low that fellow students are seldom seen to use them. Those which are used most often are in halls as it is convenient to pay the air-conditioning fee through Express Stations. There are two reasons behind their low general usage rate. Firstly, the University lacks promotion. Secondly, they are difficult to use. The trackballs installed now save space, but most fellow students are not used to them and turn to card readers in Barns instead.