
請支持「3.23民間全民投票」 ! “3.23 Civil Referendum"



香港大學民意研究計劃將於二零一二年三月二十三日(明天)舉行「3.23民 間全民投票」,讓全港巿民以到站及離站電子投票方式,表達對第四屆行政長官選舉候選人的支持程度。雖然今次全民投票不會選出真正的第四屆行政長官,但目前 已有不少行政長官選舉委員會成員表示,會根據今次全民投票的結果決定他們手上的一票。另外,今次全民投票亦有助港大民意研究計劃進一步開拓電子投票制度, 令到全港市民可以利用民間投票方式表達意願。故此,本會呼籲所有同學明天花數分鐘時間,利用下列渠道參加今次全民投票。

3.23 當天,同學可透過網上、票站及流動應用程式(Apps) 中之任何一個方式投票。詳情如下:


投票將於323日零時零分開始,至晚上八時為止,iOSAndroid 用戶可下載投票程式,或直接到網上投票系統投票
Android 應用程式
內置圖片 3

其他詳情可參考是次活動之Facebook 活動專頁:http://www.facebook.com/events/126289757497705/
或「3.23民間全民投票網站」 https://popvote.hk/

Dear Members,
“3.23 Civil Referendum"

The Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong will implement the “3.23 Civil Referendum" on 23rd March 2012 (Tomorrow), in order to let people express their overall support towards different candidates of the forth Chief Executive Election, by means of onsite and offsite election voting. Although the forth Chief Executive Election will not be affected by this referendum, some members from the 1200-member Election Committee said that they will make their decision based on this referendum. Hence, we are sincerely inviting you to participate to this referendum by the following methods.

The referendum will be implemented on 23rd March, 2012 12:00 AM to 08:00 PM,
You are welcome to vote through the Online Voting System, or vote by the iOS Application or Android Application of this referendum.

Online Voting System
iOS Application
Android Application

For further details, please feel free to refer to the Facebook Page of this event: http://www.facebook.com/events/126289757497705/
or the Official Website of this event https://popvote.hk/

Thank you for your attention !